

  美国的康涅狄格州气候温和,也是世界顶尖大学耶鲁大学的所在地,同时也以其惊艳的秋叶而闻名海外,那么美国康涅狄格州留学优势有哪些呢?跟着出国留学网来 一起看看吧,欢迎阅读。



  前言:康涅狄格州,美国东北部新英格兰地区6个州之一,也是新英格兰区域中最偏南的一州。北接马萨诸塞州,东接罗得岛州,西毗纽约州,南隔海峡与长岛相望。该州轮廓呈东西向长方形,南北宽90公里,东西长145公里。面积13023平方公里,在50州内列第48位。人口359.6 万(2013年),在50州内列第27位,是人口最稠密的州之一。首府哈特福德(Hartford),最大城市为布里奇波特(Bridgeport)。州内有著名大学有耶鲁大学、康涅狄格大学、卫斯理安大学。康涅狄格州在美国独立时期,是13州联盟之一。美国海军曾以该州命名USSConnecticut战舰 。康涅狄格州是美国最富有的州之一,根据2005年的数据,康州是美国人均收入最高的州。 拥有众多的亿万富翁和千万富翁在此州居住,美国亿万豪宅区格林威治就坐落在康涅狄格州,是美国最富有的小镇之一。也是《时代广场的蟋蟀》发源地。


  • Located in north-east of US; borders with New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and the Long Island Sound

  • Capital is Hartford and largest city is Bridgeport

  • Connecticut has 14 companies in 2012’s Fortune 500 list, including General Electric, United Technologies and Xerox

  • According to a 2012 survey by online women’s community iVillage, Connecticut is the best state for women

  • Famous alumni of Yale University include actress Meryl Streep, economist Paul Krugman, and politicians George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton

  • New Haven is known for its excellent pizzerias

  • Connecticut’s beautiful fall foliage is best viewed in September and October; during the viewing season state foresters publish regular colour reports.









  gue and ranked 7th in the 2012/13 QS World University Rankings.Like much of New England, it’s also well-known for its absolutely stunning and varied autumnal leaf colours – throughout September and October, visitors come from far and wide to witness the veritable kaleidoscope of colours on show.Nestled between New York and Massachusetts on the north-east coast, Connecticut is the US’s third smallest state and its fourth most densely populated.

  Much of the south east of the state is connected with the New York City metropolitan zone. However, if you’re studying abroad in Connecticut you’re more likely to spend your time hanging out in the atmospheric cities of Hartford, Bridgeport and New Haven, or checking out some of the state’s stunning natural scenery: the 250-mile Long Island Sound shoreline, the Lichfield Hills and the Connecticut River Valley.Yale University is based in New Haven, Connecticut’s second-largest city after Bridgeport. As well as being a working port, New Haven also has a strong service sector – including health care, finance, law, engineering and retail.Overall, service industries constitute the bulk of Connecticut’s economy, with particularly significant contributions from the finance, insurance and real sectors.

  康涅狄格是著名的耶鲁大学的所在地,是著名的常青藤联盟的成员,在2012 / 13年度QS世界大学排名中排名第七。像许多新英格兰一样,它也以其令人惊艳的秋叶色而闻名——在整个9月和10月,游客们从四面八方赶来,见证了真实的万花筒。位于美国东北部海岸的纽约和马萨诸塞州之间,是美国第三小州,也是美国人口密度第四大的州。



  As mentioned above, Yale University, in New Haven, is ranked 7th in the 2012/13 QS World University Rankings. One of the members of the prestigious Ivy League, Yale is well known worldwide, and – unsurprisingly – is extremely competitive.The University of Connecticut, while not as well-known as Yale, is considered to be a ‘Public Ivy’ university - a term coined to refer to state-sector colleges capable of offering a comparable experience to the eight private universities included in the Ivy League.

  ‘UConn’, as it is known, has its main campus at Storrs, an area of the small town of Mansfield. As of the 2011/12 academic year, UConn has about 30,500 students in total, of which almost 22,500 are undergraduates.Most are at the main Storrs campus, but UConn also has branches elsewhere in the state – notably Schools of Law and Social Work in Greater Hartford, and Schools of Medicine and Dentistry in Farmington.

  正如上面所提到的,耶鲁大学位于纽黑文,在2012 / 13年度QS世界大学排名中排名第七。耶鲁大学是著名的常春藤盟校的成员之一,在世界范围内都很有名,而且毫不奇怪,它的竞争非常激烈。康涅狄格大学虽然不像耶鲁那么有名,但被认为是一所“公立常春藤大学”,这个词是用来指代那些能够为常春藤盟校的8所私立大学提供类似经历的公立大学。

  众所周知,“康州大学”的主校区位于曼斯菲尔德的小镇斯托尔斯。截至2011 - 12学年,康州大学共有约30500名学生,其中本科生约22500人。大多数都在斯托尔斯校区,但康州大学也在该州的其他地方有分支大学——特别是在哈特福德的法学院和社会工作学校,以及法明顿的医学和牙科学校。











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