

2017-10-10 17:06:00




  As a nationally ranked research university, we are the institution of choice for more than 3,800 enterprising, high-ability undergraduate and graduate students pursuing degrees in 50+ rigorous academic programs of study. Our faculty are on the leading edge of research of international relevance. Across the institution, faculty and students develop close, mentoring relationships and make lifelong connections that guide career success. Clarkson produces remarkably effective engineers, scientists, health professionals, business people, and creative leaders who easily engage “What’s next?”. We do it by creating an exceptionally demanding, boundary-spanning experience in an entrepreneurial community known for its core values, technology intensive resources, and appreciation of the Adirondack Park just outside our doorstep. Clarksonians from around the globe design new products, start new businesses, and come up with the ideas that make the world a healthier, wealthier, and more humane place. We educate the leaders who defy convention and move the world forward. One in five alumni is already a CEO, president or senior executive of a company or business. At Clarkson, we know that new technologies, emerging fields and expanding career opportunities require new approaches to learning.


  Clarkson University is an independent, nationally recognized technological university whose faculty of teacher-scholars aspires to offer superior instruction and engage in high-quality research and scholarship in engineering, business, science, health, and liberal arts. Our primary mission is to educate talented and motivated men and women to become successful professionals through quality pre-collegiate, undergraduate, graduate, and professional continuing education programs, with particular emphasis on the undergraduate experience. Our community and campus settings enhance the quality of student life and afford students access to and interaction with their faculty. We value the diversity of our University community, and we strive to attune ourselves and our programs to our global, pluralistic society. We share the belief that humane and environmentally sound economic and social development derive from the expansion, diffusion, and application of knowledge.


  Faculty staff and students

Number of academic faculty staffNumber of studentsNumber of international students
In total265In total3665In total270






  Founded in 1896 to honor Thomas S. Clarkson, a pioneering entrepreneur and humanitarian, Clarkson University today is a national private university and innovation incubator for people who want to make things happen.

  Consistent with the founders’ vision to always seek out the real needs of the American people, Clarkson stretches the boundaries of solution-oriented thinking by looking to what’s next, challenging the status quo, and leveraging our combined ingenuity at the intersections of science, technology, engineering, arts and business to create real impact, relevant innovations and enduring value in the world.



  With its main campus in Potsdam, New York, and additional graduate program and research satellites in Saranac Lake (Trudeau Institute), Schenectady in the Capital Region, Beacon, New York City and online, the University attracts more than 4,300 enterprising, high-ability scholars from diverse backgrounds. Our students embrace challenge and thrive in rigorous programs in engineering, arts, sciences, business, education and health professions that lead to bachelor’s, master’s, certificate and/or doctoral degrees. Alumni, K-12 and community members also have access to many of the speakers, programs and educational resources.

  Clarkson’s size is its advantage by fostering leadership, networking and problem solving skills; and readily affording students and faculty the flexibility to stretch boundaries across traditional academic areas. We add value to our students’ education by partnering with leading businesses, industries and thought leaders to bring relevance to the challenges and needs of the fast-paced world in which the boundaries of knowledge, discipline, nations and cultures blur. For over 120 years, our graduates have achieved extraordinary professional success, risen to societal challenges, and advanced the global economy ethically and responsibly. Among our 42,000 alumni, one in five is already a CEO, senior executive or owner of a company.

  The University's main campus in Potsdam, NY is located on the historic 640-acre wooded homestead of the Clarkson family in the foothills of the Adirondack Park. Read more on the history of the Clarkson family and its ties to New York State below.








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