

2017-04-18 18:00:00


  Inaugurated in 1963 as Ngee Ann College with only 116 students, Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP) has grown from its humble beginnings to establish itself as one of Singapore's leading institutions of higher learning. Today, the        polytechnic has a full-time enrolment of more than 15,500 students.There are 49 full-time courses and nine academic schools.


  Ngee Ann also supports Continuing Education and Training (CET) through its CET Academy which offers a wide range of part-time programmes.


  Broad-based Education 特色的博雅教育

  As part of the Ngee Ann Learning Model to provide a broad-based education, the polytechnic offers diverse interdisciplinary modules through its School of Interdisciplinary Studies.


  Global Exposure 丰富的国际交流

  Another hallmark of the Ngee Ann education is overseas exposure which gives students the chance to see the world, broaden their horizons as well as experience foreign cultures and ways of conducting business. Every student is therefore given the opportunity to go abroad at least once through a variety of learning platforms such as internships, immersion programmes, study visits, community service and competitions.


  ​Top-notch Facilities 一流的教学设施

  Learning takes place amid a caring and conducive environment with top-notch facilities ranging from broadcast, multimedia and animation studios to research laboratories as well as simulation and technology centres.


  ​Unique Partnerships 独特的合作伙伴

  Ngee Ann also maintains close partnerships with industry players and research partners to enrich the students' education through internships, collaborative projects and off-campus learning oppotunities.


  In addition, it has established two Centres of Innovation in Environmental & Water Technology and Marine & Offshore Technology which serve as one-stop centres to catalyse the growth of SMEs that tap on their technological capabilities to develop commercially viable solutions. At the same time, both Centres of Innovation provide a platform for Ngee Ann staff and students to work on cutting-edge projects and build on the Polytechnic's research and development expertise in niche areas.


  ​Holistic Student Development  学生的全面发展

  All students are also given the opportunity to further develop themselves through Ngee Ann's very own Youth Academy which helps them discover more about themselves, broaden their horizons and gain insights into the real world.


  The Youth Academy offers various programmes for personal and character development such as leadership and portfolio development workshops and empowerment camps.


  Ngee Ann also offers The Christieara Programme (TCP), a comprehensive talent development programme which stretches the potential of students and enhance their career preparation and academic progression beyond the polytechnic.

  义安理工学院设置了一个名为TCP(Christieara Programme )的项目。该项目不拘泥于理工科学习,旨在充分挖掘学生的潜力、促进学生的学习进步和培养学生的职业技能和素养。

  Values-driven Education “价值至上”的教育理念

  Beyond equipping our students with knowledge and competencies, the polytechnic also places an emphasis on instilling Ngee Ann’s core values of respect, responsibility, resilience, integrity, compassion and gratitude or in short, R3ICG. This is accomplished through multiple pathways which shape their character and inspire them to contribute to society.


  To enable a more robust values-driven education, Service-Learning has been introduced as the polytechnic's signature pedagogy. Starting with the Academic Year 2016 intake, students take at least one Service-Learning module where they apply the skills and knowledge from their course to co-create solutions within the community. This aims to instill a sense of purposeful learning and active citizenry in students.







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