• 创业与创新硕士课程 (M.Sc. TIP) (Chinese)

The NTC’s Master of Science in Technopreneurship and Innovation (MSc TIP) program aims to develop and equip global entrepreneurs with the skills and stamina to turn novel ideas into successful ventures in the fast-paced economy today. Modelled after the venture creation cycle, this full-time one year master’s program enables candidates to develop an entrepreneurial mindset and the essential business knowledge. Participants learn effective entrepreneurship problem-solving techniques and business decision making approaches through the unique TIP pedagogy: Experiential Learning, Global Immersion and Transformational Experience.
Imparting managerial theories and technical skills, the distinguished faculty members and business mentors inspire the participants with their strong domain expertise and hands-on approaches. Further to that, the program develops a global entrepreneurship learning ecosystem which includes technology hotbeds, such as Silicon Valley, Beijing Zhongguancun Science Park and Shanghai Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, and the exchange of learning at world-class universities such as Stanford, Berkley, Tsinghua, and Peking University.
MSc TIP is offered in either the English or Chinese language, which allows the best of the East and the West to be combined in one program.
课程旨在培养用于创业、敢于创新,具有凝聚力和领导力, 适应全球化发展及能从容应对知识经济时代种种挑战的创业 型企业家和经理人。课程从企业生命周期的视角出发,层层 透视及探讨企业如何从起步、高速增长到成熟的发展过程, 注重教导创业者如何识别机会、制定商业计划、评估专利技 术、风险融资、创建创业团队、制定创业战略、管理企业财 务和设定退出机制等各个核心层面的必要知识与技能。
创业与创新硕士课程注重教学互动,致力于学院全球化思维 的培养与创业实战能力的提升。课程以中文教学的同时,有 效地整合各项资源,精心策划,为学员提供一个独特的跨国 创业学习平台。在一年的全日制学习中,学院有机会走访6 个创业型国际化城市,参观和考察国际著名的科技园和创业 企业并与世界一流的企业家和风险投资人面对面交流,从中 体验和学习东西方文化的差异、创新的理念和创业的精髓。