

2017-04-19 16:22:00

  新加坡管理发展学院 ( MDIS ) 成立于 1956 年,是新加坡历史最悠久的非营利性终身学习专业机构。MDIS为学生提供了奖学金、助学金等资金补助。下面,请跟着出国留学网的小编一起来看看新加坡管理发展学院教育信托基金的详细介绍吧!

  Objective 设立目的

  The primary objective of the MDIS Education Trust Fund is to support needy and deserving students who have financial difficulties in pursuing their education in Singapore. We firmly believe in education as the key to sustaining the economic growth and social fabric of Singapore, by means of investment in human capital and providing opportunities to narrow the income gap.

  MDIS 教育信托基金创立的主要目的是帮助在新加坡接受教育、学业优异的学生解决经济困难。我们坚定地认为教育可以为更多的人创造机会,缩小不同社会阶层的收入差距,它是保持新加坡经济增长和社会活力的关键因素。

  The MDIS Education Trust Fund does not receive any funding from the government and the awards are made possible solely with the kind contributions of well-wishers and surpluses from MDIS. Since the inception of the MDIS Education Trust Fund, we have been raising funds annually for the bursaries and scholarships. Over the years, more than 6,000 bursaries and scholarships totalling more than S$4.45 million have been awarded.

  MDIS 教育信托基金的资金来源不是政府,而是来自心地善良的捐助者。自成立以来,我们将每年筹集的捐款用作发放助学金和奖学金。截止今天,我们一共发放了六千多份助学金和奖学金,总价值达到了445多万新元。

  MDIS Bursaries are awarded to Secondary School, ITE, Junior College and Polytechnic students. We work closely with schools to understand their financial needs.MDIS Scholarships (Pre-Degree) are awarded through the self-help groups such as Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC), Eurasian Association (EA), Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA) and Yayasan MENDAKI and other organisations like HomeTeamNS, Ministry of Defence (MINDEF), National Trades Union Congress (NTUC), People’s Association (PA), Singapore Armed Forces Reservists Association (SAFRA) and Tamils Representative Council (TRC).MDIS Scholarships (Degree) are awarded through the self-help groups such as Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC), Eurasian Association (EA), Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA) and Yayasan MENDAKI.

  MDIS助学金的资助对象是中学、ITE、大专和技术学校的学生。我们与各类学校紧密合作,促进助学金的合理发放。MDIS奖学金(Pre-Degree)的发放得益于以下自助机构和政府机构的协助:中国发展援助委员会(CDAC)、欧亚人协会(EA)、新加坡印度发展协会(SINDA)、Yayasan MENDAKI、HomeTeamNS、国防部(MINDEF)、全国工会联合会(NTUC)、人民协会 (PA)、新加坡武装部队预备役人员协会(SAFRA) 以及泰米尔人代表理事会(TRC).MDIS奖学金(Degree)的发放得益于以下自助机构的协助:中国发展援助委员会(CDAC)、欧亚人协会(EA)、新加坡印度发展协会(SINDA)、和Yayasan MENDAKI。

  More details are available in the next section Scholarships, Bursaries and Fundraising Efforts.We are constantly stepping up our efforts to build up the MDIS Education Trust Fund so that progressively more scholarships and bursaries can be given to help students in Singapore, in the light of current economic conditions. The MDIS Education Trust Fund also extends its assistance and support to other charities and welfare organisations.

  想要获取更多信息,请关注MDIS 教育信托基金下一阶段提供的奖学金、助学金和筹资行动。在当前的经济背景下,我们不断努力地完善自己,致力于为更多的新加坡学生提供帮助。我们也在不断努力,为更多慈善机构和福利机构提供帮助。

  "To give away money is an easy matter and in any man's power. But to decide to whom to give it, and how large, and when, and for what purpose and how, is neither in every man's power nor an easy matter."

  - Aristotle







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