

2017-09-08 11:42:00




  In 1911, Vice Minister of Education Masataro Sawayanagi, moved to Sendai to  become Tohoku University’s first president. Sawayanagi firmly believed that  academic research should be integrated with education. He also believed that a  university should not discriminate based on class or gender.Following this  principle, Tohoku University accepted graduates from technical and higher normal  schools, and despite opposition from the government at that time, became Japan’s  first university to admit female students in 1913.The Top Global University  Project is run by the Japanese government. It aims to prepare more graduates of  the country's academic institutions for positions of global leadership.It has  its roots in Global 30, a 2009 initiative by the Ministry of Education, Culture,  Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) to attract international students to  Japanese universities. Thirteen participating institutions at that time -  including Tohoku University - offered undergraduate programmes in English to  appeal to non-Japanese students.The Top Global Universities program, which  replaced Global 30 in 2014, is part of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's plans to see  more of Japan's universities ranked among the world's top 100. To that end, a  budget has been set aside over the next 10 years to fund the hiring of new  faculty who can bring foreign expertise, as well as financial support for  international student mobility.Within the framework, Tohoku University has been  selected to receive funding as a type A tier "Top Global University." The  category provides support for new curricula and world-class, innovative ideas  for university reforms, with the goal of achieving a more globalised environment  on campuses across the country.

  In recognising Tohoku University's on-going globalisation efforts, Japan's  Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), selected  the university to be part of its "Top Global University Project" in 2014.Under  this new project, Tohoku University is able to accelerate initiatives it started  in 2009 with the "Global 30 Project," to create a new, more sophisticated,  global education system.Called the "Global Initiative," Tohoku University's plan  is two-fold - to consolidate the best research abilities onto its five campuses  and to affect national reforms in education.Through the International Joint  Graduate Programme, the university will continue to form strong partnerships  with overseas universities, with the aim of ranking among the world's top 10 in  the fields of Spintronics, Materials Science, Cosmological Physics and Earth  Science.The university will also push for developments and collaborations in the  new disciplines of Data Science, Life Science and Disaster Reduction/Safety  Science.

  1911年,教育部副部长Masataro  Sawayanagi迁往仙台成为东北大学的第一任校长。Sawayanagi坚信,学术研究应与教育相结合。他还认为,一所大学不应该根据阶级或性别进行歧视。按照这个原则,东北大学接受了技术和高等学校的毕业生,尽管当时政府的反对,成为日本第一所在1913年接纳女学生的大学。世界顶尖大学项目由日本政府管理。其目的是为全国领导职位准备更多的国家学术机构毕业生。东北大学成为全球30强源于2009年度由教育、文化、体育、科技部提出的一项倡议:吸引国际学生到日本大学。当时有13个参与机构  -,其中就包括东北大学负责提供本科英语课程,来吸引非日本学生。顶尖的全球大学计划在2014年取代了全球30强的计划,该计划是首相安倍晋三计划看到更多的日本大学排名世界前100名的一部分。为此,预计在未来十年内被搁置资助聘请能够带来国外专业知识的新教师,以及为国际学生流动提供财政支持。在该框架内,东北大学被选为A级“全球顶级大学”资助。该类别为新课程和世界级的大学改革创新思想提供支持,目标是在全国各地的校园实现更全球化的环境。







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